In this rapidly evolving marketplace it is imperative to speak to your consumers in a way that moves them to action. 91% of consumers expect brands to prove a company is worthy of their business through good works and to operate responsibly socially and environmentally. 88% of consumers globally agree that a company taking specific actions can increase their profits and improve their communities socially and economically.
Today, it is imperative to not only produce a great product or service, but to show what your brand stands for. From environmental to social causes, companies globally are recognizing the impact their involvement in important issues can have on their brand. In fact, a massive 76% of companies are measuring and tracking the societal impacts of their investments and have begun using that data to inform their core programs.
Knowing that your consumers are more likely to support a product that had an accompanying social or environmental benefit verses 53% that boycotted a product from a company deemed irresponsible, should help influence your company to ensure cause marketing is included in your annual strategy.
Build a solid strategy in 2018 to reach the 66% of consumers who will pay more for products or services from companies committed to making a positive change. Good Solutions Group has been helping companies for over 15 years design, implement and track cause marketing initiatives. Our client list includes Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Subaru and The North Face to name a few. Reach out today to find out more about how we can help your company and brand grow in 2018.
Sources include: 2016 CECP Giving in Numbers Brief, 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer, 2015 Nielsen Sustainability Imperative Study and Cone Communications/Ebiquity Global CSR Study.